Saturday 10 April 2010

Reading and fashion

Books and cloths are my first love. They come right after my sleep. Lately I have been neglecting my sleep, which is no good. The okay part is, its because of my reading. Im still happy.

First, Im going to discuss my love for fabric. I enjoy going through pictures on facebook to see what people are wearing. Not because Im just having a look, no, its because its what I love doing. Spring is here and nothing is more fun than going to the park with my book, pick a spot and see what people are wearing. Its no fun during the cold season. Its mostly just coats, boots and scarves. Now that a bit of sun is upon us. Great.

At present Im reading Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol. Like all Dan Browns books, his latest is also an awe. Give it a few years and the movie will be in cinemas.

Me. Minding my own business I notice that gladiator sandals are so in. I knew this of cause, but didnt know that it was this bad. All sorts I tell you. Ankle and tall ones. Did I mention the colours? Oh my days! Its crazy. In honesty I like them too. Leather or go away.

Chapter 12. Yes, Professor Langdon does have my concentration.

Pictures to follow

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