Friday, 5 October 2012

SA Fashion Week Autumn Winter 2013

Excellent location, good vibe, amazing people, extravagant models and talented designers. Yes, I am talking about the SA Fashion Week which took place last week at the Crowne Plaza, Rosebank.

I was personally invited to witness the wonderful WOW-Bag designs. The bags are stunning and a must have accessory. 

These are some of the pictures. If you fancy one, don't hesitate to contact me.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Strange Friendship

You did nothing wrong. She did nothing wrong. He did nothing wrong. Nobody's fault. Errmm, so what happened you wonder? From being BFFs to complete strangers who are afraid of their own silence. People grow apart. We might no longer share the same common interests or share common views.

I don't know anybody who does not wonder what happened? Did I perhaps say something wrong, said something offensive? Yeah, don't worry, you not the only one who has wondered.

Do yourself a favor though mate, don't beat yourself up about it. My friend use to tell me "if people didn't make it in your life, worry not. They were not meant to stay". That line always makes me feel better. then you have "Let something go, if it comes back then it was meant to be". 

I also have issues when I am always the one to check up on you. For crying out loud, this is a friendship, it works both ways sweetshakes. I am not the only one who has to work this all the time. I have a policy. I will start off the conversation and ask you how you are...twice. Then forget it sailor. I'm done. *does the bbm hand emo*

I have a close knit of friends. I heart them too much. I am also very protective of them. No ways I'd want them hurt or get some random person to hurt them. That's just me. I am ride or die chickita. And that's how it goes down.

I would recommend you keep it moving. Don't be looking for something that died long time ago....